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The Association's Newsletter is published quarterly, and its Newsletter Extra is published monthly

"Please accept, also, my heartiest congratulations

on the content and presentation of your Newsletter:

surely it must be the finest Organists’ Association Newsletter

in this, or any other, country." ........................ Dr. John Bertalot

The Association's quarterly Newsletter contains:

Fascinating Articles on organs and organists

Reports on Past Association Events and local organ recitals

Our Programme of Events for the Current Year

Pieces on Forthcoming Events

Latest News and Views

It is published as a full-colour magazine of 20 or 24 pages and serves as the Association's journal of record.

The Association's monthly Newsletter Extra contains:

Details of forthcoming NDOA and other concerts and organ-related events

Information about online organ concerts which may be of interest

Lots more news about the Association and its members

Newsletter Extra is a two-page newsheet designed to update members and friends on a monthly basis.

Current issues of Newsletter Extra are available here as soon as they are published. Issues of the quarterly Newsletter are sent to members by email or (for a small additional contribution to the cost of printing and postage) by post and are published here on an annual basis.

Newsletter Issues

Newsletter Issue 2/2021
Newsletter Issue 1/2021
Newsletter Issue 4/2020
Newsletter Extra June 2023
Newsletter Extra May 2023
Newsletter Extra April 2023
Newsletter Extra March 2023
Newsletter Extra February 2023

Newsletter Contributions

News, events, and other articles are always welcome for the Newsletter or in What’s On – please submit them to the Newsletter Editor at editor@northamptonorganists.org.uk

How To Read the Newsletters

The recent Newsletters are available in PDF format. You will need to have Adobe Reader or an alternative PDF reader such as SumatraPDF to access the Newsletter. The latest Newsletter will be added each quarter.