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What's On

This calendar will be updated from time to time to contain full details of the NDOA's events for the Presidential Year 2025.

Please see forthcoming monthly issues of Newsletter Extra, www.northamptonorganists.org.uk

and our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

More details from our President, Tony Edwards at president@northamptonorganists.org.uk

Roger Smith Memorial Recital - 1st March 2025 at 11.00am - St. Mary's Church, Knox Road Wellingborough

Saturday, 1 March 2025 at 11.00am

The 9th recital in memory of Roger is to be held on Saturday, 1st March at 11.00 am at St Mary's Church, Knox Road, Wellingborough.

Entry will be free but there will be a retiring collection, which will be split between St Mary's and the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

There'll also be a homemade cake stall again, also with homemade jams and marmalades for sale, and the funds raised from these will go wholly to the MNDA.